Tuesday, 29 September 2009

Cats on Tuesday...Messages

Go away...I'm trying to sleep...

Go away...I'm eating.


Cindy said...

Those are the two most popular messages I get too.

Alex the Blogging Kat said...

I dun sayz dat lotz! OK?

Margaret Cloud said...

Cat's are like that, they most of the time don't want bothered.

MonikaRose said...

G'day, great shots this week, I get that a lot too, especially when time to eat, just feed me and go away. :) Enjoy your COT. cya

Gattina said...

Very social cats, lol !
When I change bedsheets and Arthur sleeps on the bed he doesn't move AT ALL ! I have to lift him up put him left right or on the chair and then back on the top of the bed and I tell you he is quite heavy ! what a work !!
Rosie also things it's a nice game, but the others don't care.

Jack K. said...

If that is the way you are going to be, good bye. lol

Ellen Whyte said...

That is the theme for this week I think. Cats just don't like us paparazzi!